

Let's have some fun while dissecting our minds. All about consciousness is so serious, almost frightening. Why must self knowledge be such a dull thing? After all, everything awesome is experienced in mind so it should be a cool place to investigate further. Sure, everything horrible and painful also resides there, but you gotta give some to get some.
I know mind through meditation, or rather, by struggling with the practice of meditation. You see, my mind is of the extremely playful sort, treating everything as means for entertainment. No matter what appears, it can always be turned upside down and inside out. My mind does not seem to take anything seriously, and in behaving so, it has come up with a lot of useful ideas about, well...everything, including itself. A note of caution: ideas
are always useful, that is the property of ideas, being of use. But useful does not equal true. In fact, true is the opposite to useful. Strange as it may seems, you will get there if you follow my lead. In time, strange will become obvious as truth will become useful.

Nothing I write will be genuinely new or unique. Those familiar with buddhist thinking will know that most of "my" ideas come from that tradition, one way or the other. But nevertheless, I believe my self to put a new twist on old concepts and ideas. Otherwise it would be pointless trying to communicate them. Having said that, concepts are all you can get. If you want the reality within the concepts, you better get out of here.
My mission is an ambitious one to say the least. I'm dead set on playing a part in the evolution of humanity. In a way, we're all a part of that simply by existing as humans, so there's no way out of reality as a dynamic whole. But I will allow my self to be a teaching part of that whole, a knower of not-knowing, a single ray of light in the midst of infinite light. Sounds pretentious doesn't it? If you care to follow me, you will in time find out that it is not pretentious at all. In fact, it is nothing special or above the mundane activity which makes up most of my ordinary days. You will hopefully come to realize that this "teaching" is nothing but my minds response to what happens, and that I (just as you) am not in charge of doing this or that. It just happens to us, and that is all good.

Now, I'm not considering myself as being "enlightened" in the conventional/subjective sense of being a sage or a spiritual master. Such concepts are burdened with way too much prejudice and subjective values. I'm an ordinary guy with, I dare to say, an extraordinary sense of reality. Of course, there a more people out there just like me, but there will be many more quite soon. That is what the evolution of humanity is all about, and that is why I write this.
The curious thing about enlightenment is that it is so darn close to all of us, yet so hard to realize before you get the first glimpse of it. The more you come in touch with enlightenment, the more obvious and even ridiculous it seems. Once I got it, more or less "all in", I felt like screaming "Hey listen up, it is not complicated at all, come on, LISTEN TO ME, I can explain". But soon enough I realized that it just seems easy for someone who has been on it for a period of time. I too struggled, and still do, by getting used to the obvious fact of already being Enlightenment playing out in this very form of "Me".
Since then, I have relentlessly been trying to figure out how to communicate this in a more straight forward way. This effort will never be final. It will continue, as it has for over 2000 years, with all past, present and future expressions of the Dharma. To those expressed as teachers, we are forever in debt because they are indeed the Giants of our kind. They teach us all to realize, we are Giants too, just as they are fools like us.
Let's levitate and get high on imperfection.
Come on you fools!!!

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