
Wednesday, August 12, 2015

No work, all heat

Today the Q-mind asks; is God the primary worker assumed in the laws of thermodynamics?
From an absolute standpoint, there is of course only exchange of heat, no work. Also, there can be no "systems" at work in describing an initial state pre Big Bang. There can only be one, or we have not answered one single question. 
So how does these laws play out before system a can interact with system b?
Q-mind holds that the one system is functionally two and that "interaction" is instead "intra-action". 
It is Self Generating, speed/gravity producing energy of alternate currency. No worker is added beside the one human mind invents to make sense of what happens in terms of causality. 

Saturday, August 1, 2015

A questionable disc

Yesterday I started designing a piece of string. Or rather, the device generating that fabrice of time. 
The generator is massless and would look like the symbol Yin/Yang, slightly revised and re-designed. 
It spins and it has two irregularities at its perimeter. 
A questionable mind says: why are both e and Phi irrational numbers in reference to the area inside/under a curve? 
After all, we cannot spin the disc without getting skewed bumps if the two spinors are + and - chasing each other. 
Question is: is the disc really spinning or its perimeter only waving. 

The black hole keeps assembling energy. It just gravitates without work to be done. 
Ideas are indeed generated.