
Monday, November 2, 2015

Determined to experience free will

The never ending debate on free will is one of many in which a consensus is impossible to reach as long as we are not aware of our identity and place within existence as a whole. Opponents will forever be stuck in arguments pro or con the existence of free will, because they cannot conceive the fact that the supposed “agent” exercising this will is not a self made man. Were they ever to realize this, the whole debate would appear in all its confusion.
Whatever position you choose to take, you will find evidence for it to be true. If this was not so, the question would have been settled ages ago. To get around this, let’s restate the initial question so that both positions are equally correct.

Is the experience of having alternative options obligatory or optional?
Those who advocate free will might say it is obligatory, while those who deny free will can agree. As far as I know, there is no argument saying free will is something we can freely choose to have or not have. That would be a contradiction, right?
But if we are determined to experience free will as a antecedent to action, both determinism and free will are equally true. Free will can be defined as actually true, while being determined to have it is also true.
If we cannot realize this, the hydra of sub-categories will keep producing offspring. That is because human intelligence is determined to create a subjective, alternative reality attached to the one that objectively is there as it is. We are determined to freely interpret reality as we see fit, and if you do not know this, there will never be a definite answer to any of your questions.